Cisneros: "Barbie-Q"


I love Sandra Cisneros' work, and I LOVE barbies. In this piece, she uses lists to indicate all of the types, outfits, and accessories available when playing Barbies. The narrator and her sister don't have many Barbies or outfits until they stumble upon a fire sale on Maxwell Street. Then, they get to add to their collection. I love the excitement Cisneros conveys when the girls discover all of the Barbies and items for sale. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, until they say okay...And there! And there! And there! and there!"  The use of repetition and punctuation helps us understand just how ecstatic the girls are. I also love the ending. Instead of being upset that their new purchases are smoky and stained, they are grateful. This story leaves me with a happy feeling.


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